Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use a travel agent?

Even in the age of online booking, travel agents are a great source of information and discounts. A travel agent can make sure that your trip is tailored to you, assist you in case of unexpected problems, and help you anticipate potential issues in advance.

Will I pay more if I book through an agent?

Our fees are transparent. In many cases, you save more than you spend. We can work within your budget, and we always focus on making sure that you get a solid value in return for our fees. 

Do you book group travel?

Yes! Do you have an upcoming conference for your business or a student trip? We can handle the details and ensure that you have access to group seating, entrances, and discounts. 

More F.A.Q.'s

Is 3L&T a Travel Group or a Travel Agency?

We are BOTH.          

Is 3L&T Travel  a registered and insured Travel Agency?

Yes. 3L&T is a registered Travel Agency in the State of Texas and is Nationally Insured with Error and Omission Insurance.

How/Where Do I Make A Payment

You  can make a payment a few different ways: 

  • You can go to the Website  and hit the Payment link. *Make  sure you completed the registration form and  select the trip that you  are going on and hit SUBMIT* Then click on the  Payment Button. That will take you to our secure PayPal page  and you  input your information there (and also the name of the Trip in the   Merchant Instruction Box). Keep in mind that if you use PayPal for more  than  your initial deposit, a 3% fee will be added onto your final  balance.
  • Set up Electronic Bill Pay:  Go to your Online Banking  System and set up 3L&T as a Vendor/Payee. Use our address: PO Box 761865,  San Antonio, TX   78245 and our phone number (210-883-4096) when setting it  up. Use your first initial and last name and the  Trip as your account  number: e.g: JBrownBoraBora.
  • Send in a Money Order or Bank Check to the Mailing address:  PO Box 761865,  San Antonio, TX   78245 

How Do I/Should I Get Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance is always Highly recommended. It is offered on  all 3LT Trips. It's a small price to pay for Peace of Mind-if you or  your roommate runs into any issues.

What Is Covered By Travel Insurance? 

Travel Insurance plans are offered and may be different each  time. We usually do a Group rate (non age related) and get a discount.  Travel Insurance usually covers Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption,  Trip/Travel delay, Missed Connection, Medical Expenses, Emergency  Assistance, Lost Baggage/Baggage delay, Accidental Death and  Dismemberment. 

Will I Be Able To Have a Payment Plan?

Yes. 3L&T uses "Layaway" Payment Plans on all of it's trips. We  get discounted rates based on our large groups and have a good credit  profile in the Industry.  You are only asked to keep up with the payment  plan.  Failure to do so jeopardizes your slot because we have to make  intermittent payments to the Resort/Cruise/Airlines and need for  everyone to uphold their part of the bargain. 

What If I Am Late On My Payments?

We will always try to work with you, but keep in mind that we  are still obligated to pay the Hotel/Cruise/Airline at set dates.  On  certain trips there may be a late charge added (not to exceed $25 per  month) after final payment is due. The worst case scenario is a person  could lose their room if they have not kept up with the payment plan and  then would be refunded whatever is left after the cancellation penalty  and administrative costs are tallied. There is no set "Grace Period"  since each Travel Contract is different. 

What If I Don't Have A Roommate For Group Trips?

Getting a roommate is your responsibility.  We usually have  several people on each trip who don't/cant find a roommate.  3L&T will  always try to match you with someone with the same demographic  information: Sex/Age/Location/Smoker vs Non Smoker/Early riser vs Late  Riser, but we are not obligated to do so.  

What Is included in the Group Trips

We have "Summer Madness"-our Big Party Trip--which is always to  an All Inclusive Resort that covers your food, entertainment, drinks  (Including Alcoholic beverages) and Shuttle to and from the Airport.              

We have our "Winter Wonderland" Cruises and Resorts which may or may not be All inclusive. 

We have our "Bucket List" Tours which usually are not All Inclusive, but we always try to get one that includes Breakfast.  


Airfare is not included in Group Rates due to varying departure locations.We can provide assistance with airfares upon request for group trips for individuals traveling.

Should I Use Cash or Credit Cards or ATM at the Hotels?

That's a personal choice. Most places take American currency  and you can probably avoid the high conversion fees by just using  American Dollars. Besides, if you don't spend it all, you have to pay to  convert the money back when you return.
